Calendar for 2025
All events are held in Bethersden Village Hall (VH), unless otherwise stated. Details of each event (incl. any admission charge) will be sent by email, published on our website & ‘Nextdoor’ and displayed on posters around the village. Trips must be booked in advance with the Trips Organiser:Jeanette (07729 418275).
Ploughman’s Lunch & Talk: Sat. 8th Feb. Doors open 12.30 pm. Talk: ‘Parks & Gardens of Flanders’, by Melanie Gibson- Barton. £6.
SPRING SHOW + Cheese & Wine Evening: Saturday 5th April. Doors open at 6.30 pm. Entries by 7pm. Bring your own drinks & glasses. £4 for entry.
Visit: Leonardslee Gardens, Full day coach trip. Wed 7th May. Car share, leave VH at 9.30am. £35 for coach & entry. Cafes accept card only.
Coffee morning and plant swap, 10th May, 10.00-11.15, An informal event, VH.
Visit: Goddards Green Garden, Cranbrook. Tuesday 17th June. Car share, leave VH at 1.45pm. £10 pp, incl. refreshments.
SUMMER SHOW: Saturday 12th July. Doors open at 2.15 pm.
Visit: Dean House, Newchurch, Romney Marsh. 15th Aug at 2 pm. Car share, leave VH at 1.30 pm. £8 pp, incl. tour, drink & cake.
AUTUMN SHOW: Saturday. 13th Sept. Doors open at 2.15 pm. Free admission (see page 23).
Supper Evening: Friday 3rd October at 7pm. Talk by Quentin Stark, Head gardener of Hole Park.
Talk & AGM: Friday 14th Nov. at 7pm.Talk: Fergus Garrett, head gardener at Great Dixter. Free glass of mulled wine and a mince pie!